Sunday 27 July 2014

Scottish Independence – A Critique of the Yes and No Campaign's Propaganda

Like most other people in Scotland I've recently been hit with a lot of propaganda regarding the referendum on so-called Scottish independence in September. I see massive problems with the yes and no campaigns arguments and in this article I de-construct the recent anti-independence booklet from the UK government called “What staying in the united kingdom means for Scotland” and the “Your Choice” booklet issued by the Yes Scotland campaign propaganda booklets that have found their way into my mail box recently. Now before we go on I have to make it clear that I'm not going through every point in each booklet, I'm simply critiquing the problems that are glaring in each camps argument.

The No Campaign
One of the main reasons why the Scottish National Party (SNP) have done well in recent elections has largely been due to the tone of their message in recent years. They provided an optimistic vision for Scotland while Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives all spent their time scaremongering about how the world will end if the SNP get into power.
The anti-independence booklet sent out by the Westminster government doesn't disappoint and is basically full of scaremongering. They start by going into the economy and how Scotland couldn't keep the pound the way we have it now. Fair enough, no argument from me on that. However they talk about the 'strength' of the Bank of England and to anyone who knows anything about fractional reserve banking and fiat currency we know that that is nonsense. We are forced to pay an inflation tax because our money (issued by the Bank of England) is essentially worthless because it is backed by absolutely nothing. Central banking is a threat to true freedom worldwide and that fact needs to be recognised. It's funny because later on in the booklet they talk about how in 2008 they were able to provide Scottish banks with “support worth more than twice Scotland's national income” hmm, could they mean the Royal Bank of Scotland bailout? With taxpayer money? Which clearly sends a message to the bankers that they can pursue whatever ridiculous business model they like and daddy government will slap them on the wrists and make sure that everyone can walk away bonus-in-hand. In a truly free market without government providing this kind of corporate welfare these bankers wouldn't be able to act in such a manner unless they actually wanted to lose everything.
The financial scaremongering goes on with the claim that somehow an independent Scotland would slow down trade with the rest of the UK. Are you shitting me? In an era such as ours where we can trade and share information with ease like we've never known with the rest of the world is the UK government serious in this criticism? There isn't going to be some kind of lake of fire between Scotland and the rest of the UK.
It's also pretty funny when they begin to defend the public institutions that we couldn't bear to lose. Like the BBC, wouldn't it be terrible if we weren't forced to pay for a TV licence (regardless of whether you watch the BBC or not) for a state-controlled institution that has been declining in quality for years. Yes, that would be a tragedy. Or the passport office, we couldn't do without the passport office, wait is that the same passport office where there were massive delays and problems this year? Oh that passport office, yes then who would fuck up if we lost that?
Then we get to the part about how the armed forced “keep us safe” so we couldn't possibly lose that. Well if the British armed forces were there to keep us safe why are they fighting a losing war in Afghanistan (a country that poses no threat to us?) If the armed forces were purely there to keep us safe then they would be a defensive army which they blatantly are not.
Since we're talking foreign policy the booklet also informs us about how the UK is the second largest aid donor in the world. I am a big supporter of charity but private charity. Giving tax payers money to foreign countries when our own is going down the toilet makes no sense. We were even giving money to India when they were working on a space program! It sounds like some kind of sick joke and I wish it was.
The booklet starts to taper off with talk of how great the EU is (see my article a Spectre Is Haunting Europe... to see why it is a very dangerous thing) and the UN and the G7 and G8 and G20. Amusingly they claim that the UK can protect Scottish industries like agriculture and fisheries, we all know that those are EU policies and the only way to protect those industries is not to be the big man in the EU but to get out of it completely.
It then ends with a whimper about what a successful family of nations we are and the usual empty promise of 'more powers' for the Scottish parliament if we toe the line and behave ourselves and then it's all over and if you see through the statist lies and appeals to emotion and tradition you realise that there are many flaws in the argument and we haven't even got to the pro-independence mob yet.

The Yes Campaign

The pro-independence people are indeed an optimistic and socialistic bunch. Their booklet is an altogether more personal affair with names and pictures of ordinary Scottish folks just like you telling their stories. On the second page we meet a mother who says that a yes vote would mean that her kids would be entitled to government money for her kids childcare so she can work. Sounds nice right? But wait, here I come to be a huge downer as usual. Why does she deserve tax payers money for having kids? But that aside for a moment, if we didn't have ludicrous government hurdles to jump over to start a childcare facility then costs would go down. I hear you now screaming about how then the kids will be left with psychopaths all day. Did you never have a teenage neighbour babysit your kids? My wife did that for years and shock horror not one child came to any harm. I myself was minded by a neighbour who watched local kids for a while and again the sheer shock that not one bad thing happened to me. Now to be mean in the eyes of my friends the socialists. Life is about personal responsibility, if you decide to have kids then you should plan how they will be cared for. Now, of course there are harsh an unforeseen circumstances and I have no problem with helping people who are genuinely in a bind but in the booklet it talks about every child being “entitled” to childcare. I can feel the taxes beginning to rise already and we're only on page two!
On the next page the socialism continues with the first of more than one of the English born people who are supposedly supporting independence. We meet Bob standing in a questionable area who campaigns for something abstract called “social justice”. Bob basically wants a welfare state (not good already, for the evils of the welfare state see my article “Against The Welfare State and It's Promoters”) that doesn't attack the vulnerable and poor whatever that actually means. He continues with his vague notion of everybody being equal. Well we know that's not true. I'm not equal in terms of playing football as, say Gareth Bale. Should we go down the road Kurt Vonnegut sketched out in his short story Harrison Bergeron where the government enforces equality so for example ballet dancers are weighed down and their faces covered to hide their beauty? It is an extreme example but there is a truth there about how egalitarianism drags people down instead of raising people up. We are not all equal, sorry to hit you with the truth but that's a fact every one of us is inferior and superior in some way to everyone else. Shocking. There is another fan of welfare we meet later called Scott funnily enough and the words put in his mouth are similar, vague notions of that “social justice” thing and something else called “democratic life”. He's also under the impression that with independence Scotland would be run by people that will do the best for the country. I would love to know about a government in the world that does things on behalf of the country and not the ruling elite and their friends. Separating from the UK government doesn't change the nature of government, politicians will still be in it for themselves and their donors and they always will be. Sorry Scott.
But across from Scott is the real appeal to emotion in the form of Mary. Mary is old and broke a bone in her leg and she's worried about the NHS being privatised. It is an uphill battle for us freedom lovers to try and convince people that we are not better off with the NHS. Socialised medicine keeps us down and limits treatment choice (see my article “Time For A Voluntary NHS?”) Mary talks about living abroad and seeing people “sell their homes to pay their health bills.” Well Mary if we didn't have institutions like the NHS and the BMA (British Medical Association) and had a totally free market in healthcare then let me tell you, there would be affordable healthcare the way you like it and nothing close to the ridiculous waiting lists that exist for procedures now. I know you may fear that any rogue could call themselves a doctor but with independent rating agencies the quacks would be out of business soon and with recent NHS scandals of improper treatment of patients we know that they are not whiter than white.

So when we get to the end of this booklet it takes a bizarre utopian turn where we are suddenly reading stories about Scotland in 2020 when everything is just fucking amazing for everybody with an accompanying graphic which reminds me of online social hell-hole Habbo Hotel the last time I saw it. Finally, the yes campaign have pulled out the crystal ball they've been hiding up their kilts and are letting us in on the future. It's amazing, in the future the government is awesome and everything they did just worked out. These fictional stories are full of praise for the state, even Barbara who is supposedly a business owner who runs the most popular pub in town is doing well because the minimum wage has been raised (see our podcast “Does The Minimum Wage Do More Harm Than Good?”) So now we can see that yes, there will be a tartan utopia finally!
So what have we learned from these little bits of propaganda? Well the no campaign are scaremongering as usual about how awful it would be if we don't have the Westminster daddy government and the yes campaign are talking about how amazing it would be if we don't have Westminster daddy government but how great it will be if we have Edinburgh daddy government. Either way it is all statist nonsense. It is a useless argument about which state is better. I would love Scotland to go independent with no government whatsoever but I am being discouraged by the socialist leanings of the yes campaign. Now I understand that Scotland is traditionally more left-wing than England and this is a problem. Stay in the UK and deal with the same shit or go independent the way the yes campaign want and deal with their shit.
Neither campaign addresses the issue of freedom or liberty, they just want to give us new state models and until we forget the notion of daddy government and grow up then a yes or no vote is meaningless, same shit different government.
Greening Out Podcast - Libertarian Podcasts, Writings and News

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