Tuesday 15 July 2014

Against The Welfare State and It's Promoters

Talk of even limiting the welfare state is considered madness in the UK and especially Scotland with it's peculiar socialist leanings. Despite the fact that politicians talk tough about it to get votes because at low-wage, unskilled jobs (such as mine) people are livid about the government hand-out's to people who basically do nothing and have no desire to. But when you dare to float the idea that we just abolish the welfare state then suddenly you're a heartless bastard who doesn't care about the poor. Let's start with the 'poor'. We call people on benefits in this country poor but the fact is that if they went somewhere like India they would know what poor is. Here so called poor people have flat-screen TV's and iPhones. The horror and degradation of it all! But that aside there is much more to this issue.

You Don't Care About The Poor
This is what most readers will think. That I don't give a shit about the poor. But when you say to someone “If there was no welfare would you support the poor?” they usually say yes and so do I. If our tax money wasn't being wasted on welfare payments then people would have more free money to give to charities to support people who are genuinely struggling to find work.
I care about people who are genuinely having a hard time but the plain fact is that there is a benefit culture that has arisen in the UK where a class of society feel entitled for people who work to pay their way because they don't want to work. If we gave out-of-work people some money to tide them over for a fixed period of time then that would help them out while looking for or creating a job.
In regards to people who are genuinely ill and can't work then of course we should all help them and their carers, but those people are not my target. In this article I'm focusing on the class below what was called working class, I'm targeting the parasite class.
Welfare Hinders, Not helps
Welfare helps absolutely no-one. All it does is provide incentives not to work. Minimum wage laws keep many people out of the job market because the labour they perform simply isn't worth the minimum wage as it is. If employers were free to hire at whatever price then wages would naturally go up as labour was more plentiful and employers become forced to compete for it.
Then we have the issue of children. When the state pays people for having children then some people will have more just for the payments! When you subsidise something you get more of it. So we have the farce of people having kids for the increased benefit payments! That neither helps the child nor parent.
Without state welfare people would be forced to find work or even make their own job by starting a business for themselves.

But There'll Be More Crime!
Often people make out that if we abolish welfare there will be more crime. Maybe, initially that could be true as a dying class makes its last wriggles. But generations of parasitic thinking have bread a culture of entitlement and it will only get worse unless we break it now. Better to break this thinking before it becomes even worse and government dependency increases among the population.
Welfare Promoters
A fascinating aspect of this debate is the people who promote welfare. They stroll about with their hearts bleeding all over the floor for us all to see but the odd fact is that state welfare is a very socialist concept and it's strange to watch socialists who – on one hand – support workers as the 'producers' and the evil capitalists as 'parasites' who feed off the producers but how do they not recognise that people who claim welfare because they simply don't want to work are the real parasites, taking the average working man's money so they can do nothing. Not the capitalists who, shock horror, actually create wealth!


If I were to put on my tin foil hat and speak conspiratorially for a moment it would seem like the government actually want people dependent on them. Why?! I hear you cry out in sheer rage. Well, people dependent on you are people who are easier to control. Not really rocket science. We can see that despite governmental tough-talking on the issue they benefit from more control over the population. What the Attlee government wanted to do with the National Assistance Act in 1948 is completely alien to what we have now – a parasitic culture of entitlement that feeds off the public's wealth for it's own benefit and it's only a matter of time before it collapses.

Greening Out - Libertarian Podcasts, Writings and News

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