Thursday 4 September 2014

To Achieve True Freedom We Must Let Scottish Socialism Fail

During this whole farce of a Scottish 'independence' debate I have been very upset by many people I know on the left and right of the mainstream political spectrum compromise their beliefs and abandon all reason and logic in favour of emotional, nationalistic and fantasy arguments. It seems that when people (such as myself) want to put forward a case based on logic and economic reality we are shut down because we're ruining delusion for the masses. The only way I see true independence being achieved in Scotland is if we first let this socialist nightmare that is the yes camp fail. I will take some examples and explain.

In my article “Scottish Independence: What It Is and What It Isn't” I detailed that calling what the yes camp are shouting about 'independence' is at best economic ignorance and at worst flat out lies and manipulation. In that article I explained that keeping the power structure in place (the EU, the Bank of England and the monarchy) cannot be called independence. So I won't dwell on those points, important as they are. What has been bothering me is the rampant socialism and nationalism of the yes camp (hint: those two things don't go well together). So what am I actually taking about? Let me throw some examples your way (and please read this using logic and not emotion or simply don't bother).
Yes people seem to want the disaster that is the NHS enshrined in some kind of constitution so we can continue to have our money stolen by the government through taxation to fund a crumbling Soviet-style health system. Now in my article “A Scottish Constitution Will Not Make Us Free” I explained how constitutions are not worth the paper they are written on anyway (ask most mainstream US politicians or anyone who lived in the Soviet Union or currently lives in North Korea – all have or had written constitutions) but that's not the issue, the issue is that we would have much better healthcare if we abolished the NHS, or made it voluntary (for more detail on the NHS see my article "Time For A Voluntary NHS?") and the British Medical Association and we actually opened up the market. That statement is dynamite in Scotland right now but only to people who have never genuinely looked into the economics of healthcare. The NHS will crumble eventually.
But that's one point (albeit a big one) but it's not just the NHS. All yes campaign literature is packed full of talk of 'social justice' (whatever that means, usually that more money will be stolen from people who actually work to pay those who don't) and government hand-outs. What is talked about less is the fact that the Scottish National Party (SNP) will have to flood Scotland with immigrants to pay for the ageing population and all this damn spending. I personally am not against individual immigration what I am against is massive amounts of people descending on a city and causing social tensions (as I have witnessed in Glasgow) that will only get worse as more immigrants flood the city and put strains on the public services the yes people are so adamant they want to protect. Now, when a statement like that is made people automatically just shout “racist!” to shut you up. But that is not an argument and to anyone who listens to me for five minutes it is obvious that I am not racist in the slightest. But this has become a new tactic of the left in Scotland. Look at when Nigel Farage came to Scotland and was subject to abuse by leftist thugs. I'm no Farage fan but if he is such an idiot as the left claim then why couldn't they let him speak, surely then he would make an arse of himself and no-one would take him seriously? They must have been scared of what he might say to take the extreme step of shutting him down so aggressively (socialists denying people free speech, where have I heard that before...)
I know I have railed in podcasts and articles about the evils of central banking but this is worth revisiting. The yes camp want massive government spending in Scotland but bizarrely want to be subject to the Bank of England. I wonder if they know that the reason we have government debt that our children will inherit is because of fractional reserve banking. This currency issue would be solved if the yes folks thought about a Scottish currency backed by say gold or even competing currencies. Even if they decided to follow a debt-free government issued currency model like Abraham Lincoln's “greenback” notes that would be vastly better (although I don't recommend it personally). But no, the yes folks want to go on and on about keeping the pound as it is and basically condemning every person, their children and grandchildren to continue this farce of government debt caused by privately owned central banks (such as the Bank of England) to roll on for generations.

Another point I have only touched on briefly in the past is the Royal mail issue. The Communication Workers Union put out a good booklet explaining why re-nationalising Royal Mail can't work. There are a few reasons for this (despite the fact that nationalised industries don't perform as well as private ones). For example the universal service would be harder to keep in Scotland alone because of it's higher level of rural and hard to reach areas (this would also affect the Post Office network for the same reasons). Also an independent Scotland's proportion of Royal Mail's historic pension liabilities that are currently held by the UK government would have to be determined. A new Scottish postal regulator (such as they want to introduce) would be an additional cost to taxpayers. We don't know what would happen to shares owned currently by Royal Mail employees either. Where will this socialistic plan of nationalising Royal mail end? With many staff being laid off and a worse service for the public. And I thought the left were supposed to support the workers?

But this is all part of a common trend in Scotland. Scotland has developed into a terrifyingly state-dependent society that spends more on benefits per head of the population than anywhere else in the UK. Thinking people know that socialistic policies can't work long term because of the fact that state-planning has been shown up for what it is – ineffective nonsense. Any serious economist will tell you that price is determined in the market and no matter how much you say “No, no, no, we'll ignore economics and build a tartan utopia.” It will simply not change the facts.
Socialism has been shown in the 20th century to be what it is – a dead end. If Scotland goes independent and these damaging socialistic policies are enacted then we must learn from history. Maybe it'll take twenty years but like the Soviet Union it will fall apart eventually. Every country with large welfare states and socialist healthcare will fall apart when they can no longer be propped up.
But I'm not in some kind of violent depression about this (despite what you may think) because I've come to realise that no amount of talking, writing and podcasting is not going to get this into people's heads. Unlike the people who have compromised their philosophical beliefs over this issue and have as such discredited themselves from philosophical debate for life I don't think short term. Like the elites in the world (the Fabians and the round table groups etc.) I have started to think long term. The only way we can move towards a truly free society is if we let Scottish socialism be enacted and wait till it crumbles and the people (red delusions completely removed) wake up and realise that socialism makes no one free, helps only the politicians and their corporate buddies and only serves to infantilize the population at large. In my view only then when this tartan socialism has been discredited will people turn their eyes towards true freedom and independence and only then will Scotland prosper.
Greening Out - Libertarian Podcasts, Writings and News

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