Monday 4 August 2014

SNP Propaganda Piece Decoded

I recently struggled through a short SNP propaganda video lately which, I have to say was one of the worst attempts at propaganda I have ever seen in my life. But it is full of what passes for debate in modern politics and it is this fallacy that will win the independence referendum and that is the logical fallacy known as the “Appeal To Emotion”.

The definition of this fallacy from Wikipedia is: Appeal to emotion or argumentum ad passiones is a logical fallacy which uses the manipulation of the recipient's emotions, rather than valid logic, to win an argument. The appeal to emotion fallacy uses emotions as the basis of an argument's position without factual evidence that logically supports the major ideas endorsed by the elicitor of the argument. Also, this kind of thinking may be evident in one who lets emotions and/or other subjective considerations influence one's reasoning process.” These fallacies are nothing new in politics of course, pretty much every word out of a politicans mouth is an appeal to emotion, tradition, authority etc.
The video I watched is about Kirtsy who is so intelligent that she is mulling over Scottish independence as a foetus. And she has some questions which I'd like to answer for her.
Will it be a Scotland that is fairer and more prosperous? A Scotland where I can reach my full potential? Crystal ball anyone? I always worry when the word 'fair' comes up in political discussion in Scotland because it's usually used in a socialistic fashion. For example people may think that it's fair to steal money in the form of taxes from hard-working people to give to people who choose to do nothing with their lives. Is it fair to give said money to people just for having children? What about the word 'prosperous' by that are the SNP talking about the oil fairy again? We would be more prosperous if the SNP dropped the idea to keep the pound and we could finally escape from the control of central banking which creates money out of thin air and causes inflation.
Will it be a Scotland of opportunity, where free higher education is a right for all, and going to Uni depends on your ability, not your bank balance? Unpopularity alert – education like healthcare is not a right. I don't actually mind funding intelligent people from poorer backgrounds to get an excellent education but I would like to do it voluntarily and not have money stolen from me to do it. Also, what about parents, is saving for your kids college education (which would be easier with much lower or no taxes) such a bad thing? Another point to this is that University education for prosperity is a lie. There are many people with degrees who are out of work or in low paying jobs (believe me, I know a few) and at the same time we have very prosperous people like Richard Branson and Bill Gates with no degrees! With a wealth of information available at our fingertips higher education is becoming irrelevant in many fields, how about teaching entrepreneurship in schools? That would make us prosperous.
Will the land of my birth be a true nation that stands proudly alongside all other nations, with a voice and a vote to help build a better world? This is a classic meaningless sentence. What is a 'true nation' anyway, one that exists? What does a “voice and a vote to help build a better world” actually mean? A vote where? In the EU perhaps? With it's unelected president? This is just meaningless emotional garbage.
Will my Scotland be free of weapons of mass destruction and a country that can never be led by others into illegal wars? I would love nothing more than to say yes, yes and yes again. I have never agreed with the 'deterrent' argument for the UK having nuclear weapons, there is no circumstance under which we will fire them unless we decide with other countries to all have one huge earth-wide suicide. But with the SNP voting to stay in NATO it seems likely that they will exert pressure to keep the nukes if they think it's beneficial and just by being in NATO it is likely that we will be dragged into 'illegal wars' – guess what, pretty much all wars are illegal, mass murder isn't exactly a good thing. Another point is that NATO was set up as a defence against an attack from the Soviet Union – something that doesn't even exist any more.
Will I grow up in a Scotland where our wealth and natural resources are in Scotland’s hands, not squandered by Westminster governments we didn’t even vote for? Hmm, well did we not affect a hung parliament in Westminster when only one Tory MP was elected in Scotland? Let me tell you this is a post-Thatcher type of voting because the Tories used to pick up many MP's in Scotland before the Thatcher-era and the disastrous poll tax that left a very sour taste in Scottish mouths. Oil could be great revenue for Scotland but we would have to keep the EU's hands off it to profit.
Will my mum and dad be able to live their old age with dignity, in a Scotland that respects and cares for its pensioners? Ah yes, back to the appeals to emotion here. Why would you not want a private pension? They don't take as much as the tax man and you will have more in the end than you would with a state pension. Also, the SNP have talked about how much they would have to increase immigration in an independent Scotland to have enough young people working to pay for it. Now, I have no problem with immigrants all my grandparents were and my wife is one also. However, mass immigration can lead to major social tensions (as we are seeing right now in Glasgow) that can lead to major social unrest and a strain on these much praised 'services' that our tax money pays for.
Will my own kids be born into a society that is more equal and safer, a society that reflects the true values of Scotland? Again, more emotional chat and not much facts or policy. What are the “true values of Scotland” anyway? Friendliness? Sure, there's a lot of that. Sectarianism? There's just as much as that also. By “safer” do they mean increasing the already growing police state? If they want all this immigration and it causes social tension will that make us safer?
Will I raise my family in a Scotland where the decisions about our future are taken by the people who care most about Scotland, the people who live here? I hate to break it to you Kirsty because I've come to be quite fond of you but the elites in power don't give a shit about you and they never will. Governments are no better than organized crime, they are inherently violent. They steal your money through tax and if you object they send uniformed thugs to your door calling themselves police to kidnap you. If we accept that initiation of violence and stealing are wrong then we have to conclude that government is morally wrong.
Now, I have picked on the SNP in this but the Better Together mob are every bit as bad. I would love the people of Scotland to think critically instead of being led into emotional arguments either for a yes or no vote. If we don't see through the manipulation of the people through emotional arguments then we will never figure out what works economically. We have to get out of thinking in the sectarian box, that's the only way we can make sensible decisions about the future. Sorry Kirsty.
Greening Out - Libertarian Podcasts, Writings and News


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