Tuesday 8 April 2014

The Gay Marriage Distraction

In Britain people are still spitting blood and frothing at the mouth over the question of gay marriage. Endless debates and arguments, newspaper articles and leaflets through people’s doors. They want to know. Are you for or against gay marriage? Well, if I was asked that question right now I’d say neither. Here’s why: I’m confused about why people are so desperate to know how the government will recognise their relationship. Some people want Daddy government to tell them it’s okay and they’re just like everyone else and some want Daddy government to tell them that they’re sick and wrong and ban them from being together. 

            Now, I personally believe in a free society where everyone is allowed to say what they like and be with who they like, regardless of sex or ethnicity. I do think that gay couples should absolutely have all the rights of straight couples, why not? Consenting adults can do what they like. This is why I get very uneasy when this kind of debate brings all the intolerant authoritarians slithering out of the woodwork. Some people (not all of them religious) want to tell other people who they can go out with and how to live their lives to conform to their world view. These kinds of authoritarians are very dangerous if we want to work towards a free society.  How absurd and arrogant some people are who think that they have the right to tell anyone else how to live their life! Quite often people who want to tell others what’s wrong with their life usually have something badly wrong with their own that they’d rather not face, it’s easier to project that on to other people. The argument about how gay people will ‘burn in hell’ so they damn well better stop being gay often comes out. Well if they were going to burn in hell then that’s their business. Didn’t their god give everyone free will? Well if he did then everyone should mind their own damn business.
            I also feel I should mention the slippery slope argument that I hear all the time from opponents of gay marriage. I love it when people start shouting about how if you let gay people get married then we’ll be marrying three people or a whole football team and your brother and your mother and your dog. This argument should be seen for the ludicrous rubbish that it is. It’s not even a proper argument. These are the same people who think that if you legalize marijuana then two days later the streets will be littered with people with needles sticking out of their arms. Personally if three people wanted to have some three-way marriage and they were all happy then who cares? That’s their damn business! Also when they talk about marrying family members they totally ignore the incest laws in this country that no proponent of gay marriage has mentioned once changing. It’s just a ridiculous argument and a sign of clutching at straws because they don’t have any intelligent reason why being gay is such a bad thing.
            But there’s an element to this that the ruling elite just love. Everyone has fallen head-first straight into their trap. Do you really think that David Cameron and Alex Salmond lie awake at night because they haven’t fulfilled their lifelong goals of equality for gay people? I don’t. I think this is one of the most genius divide and rule tactics in play today. The elite are thinking “Let’s just get everyone arguing about the meaning of a word. They’ll be so busy arguing about something that in reality doesn’t even matter that they won’t have time to care about their falling living standards, the fragile economy and the horrendous wars that we’re losing badly.” It might sound cynical but I’m sorry to say that it’s the truth. Let’s be honest, if we want this semi-free society to become a truly free society we have to stop caring about what other consenting adults do. If gay marriage becomes legal then the sky won’t fall in and people won’t suddenly be walking down the aisle with their goldfish. Things will continue as normal. But we shouldn’t be so worried about how the government defines our love. What’s important is how the people in the relationship define it. That’s really all that matters.

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