difficult to state that you favour a stateless society (or dare I
even use the 'A' word) in regular company because you'll be instantly
dismissed as being some kind of nutter, and funnily enough the people
who call you a nutter are the very ones who have never actually
thought about anarchism seriously. Believe me I know what that's
like, I once was that person dismissing anarchism with almost no
thought as to how it could work. So what I want to do in this blog is
to spell out the basics of why I'm proud to call myself an Anarchist.
You Like...Just Not That
seems that in Britain in 2014 were allowed to theorize endlessly
about what kind of political system we'd like to have. There are the
mainstream political parties who are basically on the same page about
the big things like EU membership and feeding the military-industrial
complex with constant wars. In fact whether it's the Conservatives,
Labour, The SNP or the Liberal Democrats, the only difference between
their governments is how they manage and implement the agenda. Vote
for who you like, the agenda will just keep rolling on.
maybe you think you've stepped out of the mainstream world and maybe
you gravitate to the Socialist Workers Party or UKIP or the British
National Party. That's fine, you can have the debate about which
system would work better. Just as long as you start your argument
from the premise “We need a state, the state exists. Now, how big
or small is that state and how do we manage it?” That's why you
have no serious anarcho-capitalists on television. The mainstream
media wants you to think that anarchy is compete Mad-Max style chaos
and anarchists are those people at protests who cover their faces
with scarves and lob stuff at the police. I dunno, maybe those people
have a firm grasp of Austrian economics, although I doubt it.
the reason that anarchy seems so exotic and crazy is because people
don't stop for a while to seriously consider it. Let me tackle the
most basic questions that people ask me.
If there was anarchy then would
people not be killing and raping each other in the streets?
That would be true if your
personal morals are based on the diktats of a group of largely
immoral people calling themselves government. I don't believe that
people are fundamentally evil and without a scalding Daddy government
telling them what's right and wrong they'll just go mental.
But you must admit that some
people will want to rape and kill.
Of course but there are people
that do it now do it in spite of laws. They don't care that it's
illegal, if people want to do something they'll do it anyway
regardless of what the law says.
You're only championing this anarchy stuff because you want to do
whatever the hell you like aren't you?
Yes, but by “whatever the
hell I like” I don't mean raping or killing. I tend to abide by the
non-aggression principle which clearly states that it is wrong to
initiate aggression towards another person for no reason. What I do
mean by “whatever the hell I like” is being able to choose what I
spend my money on, to enter into voluntary contracts with people in
my day-to-day life and even to smoke a joint while walking my dog in
the park on a nice sunny day if I choose without being arrested or
harassed by the governments goons.
Government Doesn't Work
down everyone knows that government is violent, tyrannical, wasteful
and extremely inefficient. People complain endlessly about government
but seem to believe Winston Churchill when he said in a House of
Commons speech on November 11, 1947 "Democracy
is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms
that have been tried from time to time."
That really is the attitude I encounter from ordinary people, “It
may be bad but it's the only way.”
I feel that if I was in the House of Commons on that day (why would I
be? But just play along at home for fun) I would have stood up and
said “Could I suggest to the honourable gentleman that we
just do away with government all together?” To
which I'm sure I would have heard the thunderous laughter that some
people still respond with when I advance that proposition. Ah, some
things never change.
so let's use a silly example to show how inefficient government is at
providing for the public.
Suppose for
example I want to buy a pair of shoes. Imagine that there exists a
government entity called the NSC (National Shoe Company) who give out
poor quality shoes for 'free' to the public. Maybe I don't want those
shoes. Maybe I want to buy private shoes that are of a better quality
but I can't afford it because there isn't much competition to the NSC
because everyone has to pay for them anyway through their tax money.
So we all have the same poor quality (but 'free') shoes. Now, it's a
silly example but it does illustrate the fact that when government's
provide things they are generally inferior to private goods. Why is
this? Well, if you have a government monopoly then (we'll stick with
the example) shoe's can be made however is cheapest really because
there's no real competition or incentive to make high-quality
footwear. But in a free market then you damn well better be sure that
your footwear quality reflects your prices or people simply won't buy
your shoes, they'll just buy better value for money shoes from
someone else and you my friend will go right out of business (and you
won't even get a bail-out).
this example - silly as it is - shows is that when a monopoly that
everyone has to pay for through tax exists then quality will suffer
greatly. Now just think about this, the example I have given is about
shoes but that's how our socialised health-care works. Something so
unbelievably important compared to shoes. But people defend the line
as it's fed to them by the government they proudly state that it as a
“progressive step in the right direction.”
Is Theft
my current job we get our wage slips on a Thursday and there's the
usual moaning and groaning about the mythical tax man who's stolen a
large chunk of everyone's hard-earned wages. Or when there's a bonus
to be paid like at Christmas colleagues of mine will say things like
“Yeah, it's meant to be £200 but it'll be much less once they
tax the shit out of it.”
attitude I agree with completely. But with the people I know who will
bitch about tax, as soon as you suggest that we don't need to pay it
at all they begin to say things like “Well, it's necessary isn't
it? You have to pay for your services.” So, we're led into this
Jekyll and Hyde thinking. It's like walking down a dark street at
night and a mugger jumps out and demands all your money at
knife-point. You rummage around in your pockets and find a £20 note.
So you hand it over and the mugger runs off. A while later while
passing a 24-hour garage you see the mugger inside and he sees you.
He then walks out of the door and straight up to you and extending a
hand says “Here, I bought you a train ticket home.” He took way
more than the price of said train ticket, but at least you got
something out of it, right? Wouldn't you love to know where the rest
is theft and violence because it is not voluntary. We are forced
against our will to pay a gang of thugs money (sound like the Mafia
extorting shopkeepers?) or else they'll show up at our door and haul
us into a court room and if we still refuse they will imprison us
against our will – an act of violence.
dear reader may be happy paying a chunk of your wages to pay for a
crumbling health service, or the military so they can continue the
murder of people in wars in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, or
paying for MP's expense accounts and lavish lifestyles, or bailing
out banks who can use whatever ridiculous business models they like
as long as they line their own pockets before going cap-in-hand to
daddy government or even a police force who will waste time and money
arresting people for victimless crimes such as smoking a joint. Your
tax money at work ladies and gentlemen!
theorizing about how a stateless society could function in minute
detail is far, far beyond the scope of this blog but I hope you may
be a little closer to peering behind the veil and seeing past the
state's lies and propaganda. All I'm asking is that you give
anarchist idea's some real thought instead of dismissing them
straight away. You never know, the 'A' word might become one you use
more often.
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Greening Out - Libertarian Podcasts, Writings and News